Wednesday 31 October 2007

Everything's eggsellent on Halloween Night!

Another reasonable day in Nottingham!
God into work late! It was supposed to be fancy dress but I didn't have time to make anything, so I had to forgeit £2.50 to my boss, then realising that my Visa debit card was not in my wallet!

Panic! Went into a trance, trying to remember where I had used the card last, and remembered that it was in Sainsburies. Click click onto the internet, got the number for the Gedling store and they confirmed that my card was in their office.

Another slow morning at work, watching everyone in their witch outfits! Quite funny really.
Couldn't wait to get home to see my chickens in my lunch break, but had to dart to Sainsburies to get my debit card first.

John had made lunch which was very civil! :)
The chickens were very sweet and I stroked them. I fed them some brussel sprout I had bought the previous day and John found a few slugs and snails from the underside of the compost bin lid. They love those!

Back to work, had to do some training with my colleague Jo, for Adobe photoshop and Illustrator. She is a rather poor tutor and I didn't learn much from it, so I think I'll end up learning as I go along on the programme.

Anyway, I have my Application of Number test tomorrow so I need to get some revision in before bed.

Love to you all x

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