Wednesday 31 October 2007

Random Pictures

Everything's eggsellent on Halloween Night!

Another reasonable day in Nottingham!
God into work late! It was supposed to be fancy dress but I didn't have time to make anything, so I had to forgeit £2.50 to my boss, then realising that my Visa debit card was not in my wallet!

Panic! Went into a trance, trying to remember where I had used the card last, and remembered that it was in Sainsburies. Click click onto the internet, got the number for the Gedling store and they confirmed that my card was in their office.

Another slow morning at work, watching everyone in their witch outfits! Quite funny really.
Couldn't wait to get home to see my chickens in my lunch break, but had to dart to Sainsburies to get my debit card first.

John had made lunch which was very civil! :)
The chickens were very sweet and I stroked them. I fed them some brussel sprout I had bought the previous day and John found a few slugs and snails from the underside of the compost bin lid. They love those!

Back to work, had to do some training with my colleague Jo, for Adobe photoshop and Illustrator. She is a rather poor tutor and I didn't learn much from it, so I think I'll end up learning as I go along on the programme.

Anyway, I have my Application of Number test tomorrow so I need to get some revision in before bed.

Love to you all x

Tuesday 30 October 2007

Spotty :(

Well, we are now the proud owners of two hens, Belina and Clarissa, from

Unfortunatley, I was at college when they were delivered, but I did manage to see them in the fading light.

I woke up this morning at 7am to see them and they were so sweet! I even picked Clarissa up (the dark one with beautiful blue and green feathers). In my lunch break I bought some spring greens and grapes for a treat for them.

They are still quite young so they won't be laying any eggs for a few weeks yet! But eggs aside, they are just a pleasure to have. They are very sociable, and will come when you call them.

Bellina (the ginger one) has pecked Clarissa's neck a bit, just while they get the pecking order sorted! John found a slug ontop of the compost bin and dropped it into the run. Clarissa saw it and grabbed it and ran into the eglu, completley refusing to drop it! Good for her.

Apparently, slugs and snails are chickens' most favourite treat!

Work was Okay today- a bit slow, but not too much to do.

After work, Jenna and I went to the Treetops pub to meet Cheryl and Lynne, which was great. We got to chat and catch up with what is happening in our lives! I had a glass of white wine.

I have terrible spots at the moment- two on my neck! One on each side of my head as well

:( My diet has been terrible lately-lots of rich food and wine.

It's halloween tomorrow and I am supposed to be coming into work in fancy dress, but I really can't be bothered. I want to get my hair cut in the lunch break but I don't want to have to go into Arnold dressed in a sheet! I am not sure what I'll do! I haven't got a costume or anything.

I cooked a lovely meal tonight- my famous sausage cassarole with potatoe Lyonaise and purple sprouting. I bought two brussel spouts from Sainsburies, for my babies. I will treat them tomorrow. Apparently you should only give them treats in the afternoon, so they have the chance to stock up on all the nutirious layers mash.

I should go now as I have some revision to do for my NVQ Application of Number test this Thursday. I am also doing a Dreamweaver course at college every monday which I am really enjoying. Not only will it help me at work but for my own company as well!

There is talk that we'll be going on another course- to learn CSS and more advanced web design features in Dreamweaver.

Anyway, I need to go, as I need to be up early tomorrow to let the chickens out and feed them. They are such a pleasure.

However, in buying them, I have upset Diana, as she wanted to buy some and I have got them before her. I am really uspet that she's upset, but I really did want hens for a very long time now, there wasn't much I could do.

Not to mention that they have taken a lot of the things we have in our house, like pictures and bed linen and bought them for their home! I am upset that I have offended Diana, however, I fail to feel guilty. I haven't exactly done anything wrong. I did see the Eglu at the Grand Designs show in Birmingham a few weeks ago.

Anyway, off I go. I leave a few pics of the Eglu.

Friday 26 October 2007

First Blog Post!

This is the first entry on my blog!

I will try and write as often as I can but can't guarantee that it will be daily!

Well, I guess I should start with an introduction, going into who I am and how
I got here!

My name is Raffik, I am 25, and originally from Southend (Saarfend!) but now
live in the sprawling mass of Nottingham's suburbs.
I live with my boyfriend of nearly 5 years, John, our two cats, Ivan & Molly and
soon, my two new babies-Belina and Clarissa, my two hens, which are being
delivered by Omlet on Monday!